04 August 2010

I'm not aftraid to admit when I'm wrong...

& I may have been wrong about my opinion of Amanda Seyfried.

I recently watched Chloe(2009) and was completely blown away by how well Amanda Seyfried played the young call girl who is paid to seduce a man whose wife suspects him of cheating. I thought that the story was intriguing and the twists were surprising. The acting was great and the directing was as well.

Another actor that I'm still skeptical about, despite one of his more recent roles, is Robert Pattinson. The other day I watched Remember Me(2010) which is about a young man, Tyler, who is struggling with the death of his older brother, while trying to protect his younger sister. He beings to fall in love with Ally, the daughter of a cop who has tried to live like every moment is her last ever since she watched her mother die. Ally helps Tyler heal and learn to cope with the loss of his brother. I am in no way a fan of Robert Pattinson, however, he surprised me in this movie. His character was complex yet simple, and he did a great job of portraying that. Emilie de Ravin and Ruby Jerins were both great as well. Overall I thought the film was depressing, uplifting, and moving all rolled into 1. I laughed, I cried, I was inspired.

[And for those of you who know me, you know I don't cry at a lot of movies].

1 comment:

  1. i loved both of these movies. And I seriously did not expect to love remember me. my opinion of RPats has changed...oh well. I still don't like HP or vampires, though :)
